




Konverentsi videokokkuvõte
Conference aftermovie


Avasõnad / Opening Remarks

Jaak Aaviksoo

Avasõnad / Opening Remarks

Raul Siem

Soojendusettekanne (EST)

Henrik Kalmet

How Have Industries Adapted Their Business During the Crisis? International Angle. (ENG)

Dr. Lars Schwabe
How Have Industries Adapted Their Business During the Crisis? Baltic Angle. (ENG)
Tomas Jaskelevičius
Kuidas on eestimaised tööstused kriisiga kohanenud? Incap Corporationi näide.
How Have Estonian Industries Adapted Their Business During the Crisis? Case of Incap Corporation
Otto Richard Pukk

Kuidas on eestimaised tööstused kriisiga kohanenud? Chemi-Pharmi näide.
How Have Estonian Industries Adapted Their Business During the Crisis? Case of Chemi-Pharm.

Kristo Timberg
Kuidas on eestimaised tööstused kriisiga kohanenud? Estanci näide.
How Have Estonian Industries Adapted Their Business During the Crisis? Case of Estanc.
Priit Haldma
Millised on tööstuse abimeetmed ja toetused sh innovatsiooni, digitaliseerimise ja automatiseerimise aga ka kriisist väljumise jaoks?
What Are the Main Support Measures to Overcome the Crisis?
Viljar Lubi
How Can Universities Support Industry? Case of Aalto University (ENG)Mika Salmi
How Can Universities Support Industry? Case of Chalmers University of Technology (ENG)
Johan Stahre
Kuidas saavad ülikoolid tööstusettevõtteid toetada? TalTechi näide (EST)

How Can Universities Support Industry? Case of TalTech (click here to listen in ENG)

Renno Veinthal
Millised on digitaliseerimise trendid muutunud maailmapildis? (EST)

How Digitization Trends Have Changed Lately? (click here to listen in ENG)

Juhan-Madis Pukk
Kuidas kriisist võita? (EST)

How to Come Out a Winner From Crisis?
(click here to listen in ENG)

Indrek Saul

Prototron Competition Finalists' Presentations and Awarding (ENG)

Media (EST)




Conference Opening

Louis Zezeran
Conference Chair

Louis grew up in a small coastal town in Australia and attended the University of Newcastle, gaining a first class Honors Degree in Computer Science and worked in the industry as a consultant and trainer for 10 years, specializing in enterprise integration services. Having left the world of IT consultancy behind, Louis now uses his public speaking and communication skills to lead tech focused conferences, combining both his broad technical and entertainment skills to provide a larger than life presence on stage when he hosts.

Welcome Note

Jaak Aaviksoo
Rector of TalTech

Academician Jaak Aaviksoo was nominated as the Rector of Tallinn University of Technology in September 2015. Former roles have included being the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Defence of Estonia. He has also been elected twice as the Rector of Tartu University and serving as EUA Board member. Before becoming the Rector of Tartu University he was Professor of optics and spectroscopy at Tartu University heading the Institute of experimental physics. In 1994 he was elected to the Estonian Academy of Science. Rector Aaviksoo has worked in many foreign institutes as a guest professor: Novosibirsk Institute of Thermal Physics, the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Osaka University and Paris Diderot University.


Manuel Berglund
Erp Manager at Koenigsegg Automotive AB

  • The start of our journey
  • Where we are today in a digital perspective
  • A live demonstration of one digital tools



Signe Ratso
Deputy Director General of European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation

Signe Ratso is Deputy Director General of DG RTD of the European Commission since 1 March 2018. In this function her particular areas of responsibility include International Cooperation in Research and Innovation as well as R&I in Industrial Technologies and in the area of Transport. Before joining DG RTD she worked in different senior management positions in DG TRADE since 2006. From 2011 to 2018 she was Director for Trade Strategy, Analysis and Market Access in DG TRADE. Previously (from 2007 to 2011) she was Director for WTO, legal matters and food-related sectors in DG TRADE, covering also covered OECD issues, export credits and export controls of dual use goods. After joining the Commission at the beginning of 2006, she held the post of Principal Adviser in DG TRADE for the first year. Before joining the Commission Signe Ratso worked as Deputy Secretary General (from 1994 to 2005) at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia. In this position she was responsible for all EU-related issues in the following policy areas: trade and industrial policy, energy, transport, telecommunications, information society, internal market affairs. During Estonia’s accession negotiations she was responsible for negotiating 6 economic chapters. She has two University degrees. In 1983 she graduated from Tartu University in Estonia as an English philologist, in 1993 in International Trade and International Economics.

Tauno Otto
Professor of Production Engineering at TalTech

Andrei Shishkin
Researcher at Riga Technical University and Research Coordinator at MagnesiumCom

Václav Smítka
Programme Manager at AMIRES

Václav Smítka, Ph.D. is a Programme Manager of AMIRES s. r. o. in the domain of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Additive Manufacturing. He graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering in 2009. At the same faculty he finished his Ph.D. in 2013. As an assistant professor at the Department of Special Geodesy at FCE, CTU in Prague, he took part in many research and development programmes and projects as a coordinator as well as a member of a research team. All these projects were mainly focused on the deformation measurement methods in the field of civil engineering. He is trained and practioning the smE-MPOWER methodology for business innovation coaching. Václav has a strong experience in preparation and management of R&D projects funded by the European Commission. Currently, he is a Project and Dissemination Manager of H2020 project SOLWATT (Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants), Dissemination Manager of H2020 project MANUELA (Additive Manufacturing Using Metal Pilot Line) and contributing to exploitation in H2020 project MOSAIC (Modular High Concentration Solar Configuration). He also supervises H2020 project WASCOP (Water Saving for Solar Concentrated Power)

Signe Ratso
Deputy Director General of European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation

Signe Ratso is Deputy Director General of DG RTD of the European Commission since 1 March 2018. In this function her particular areas of responsibility include International Cooperation in Research and Innovation as well as R&I in Industrial Technologies and in the area of Transport. Before joining DG RTD she worked in different senior management positions in DG TRADE since 2006. From 2011 to 2018 she was Director for Trade Strategy, Analysis and Market Access in DG TRADE. Previously (from 2007 to 2011) she was Director for WTO, legal matters and food-related sectors in DG TRADE, covering also covered OECD issues, export credits and export controls of dual use goods. After joining the Commission at the beginning of 2006, she held the post of Principal Adviser in DG TRADE for the first year. Before joining the Commission Signe Ratso worked as Deputy Secretary General (from 1994 to 2005) at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia. In this position she was responsible for all EU-related issues in the following policy areas: trade and industrial policy, energy, transport, telecommunications, information society, internal market affairs. During Estonia’s accession negotiations she was responsible for negotiating 6 economic chapters. She has two University degrees. In 1983 she graduated from Tartu University in Estonia as an English philologist, in 1993 in International Trade and International Economics.


  • Introduction to TalTech/Au Ve Tech/ABB autonomous vehicle project
  • What we have learned this far, ongoing developments
  • The industry, the future, the collaborations and being one of the crucial elements of smart cities

Krister Kalda
Technology Transfer Officer at TalTech

Krister Kalda has MBA in International Business Management and at the moment acquiring Master of Science in Engineering degree in digitalization. Former state economical representative in Nordic countries for over 10 years (stationed in Stockholm), now building bridges between foreign companies/investors and scientists of TalTech. Whereas smart city solutions, e-goverenance, cyber defence, blockchain, AI, IoT, mechanical engineering, autonomous driving and other cross-sectoral developments are the hottest subjects of interest. Mektory as a showroom and meeting place for the university is one of the gates for tech-interested foreign companies and thus presenting the strengths of university, ongoing innovation projects, scientific R&D possibilities and opportunities for foreign companies in terms of tech transfer are part of his everyday responsibilities.

Johannes Mossov
CEO at AuVe Tech

Johannes Mossov has MA degree in Product Manufacturing from Tallinn University of Technology, where he’s main direction has been automation and manufacturing. Johannes is CEO of company AuVe Tech OÜ which aim is to develop autonomous vehicles and offer fleet solutions. He is also company side project manager of Estonian first self-driving “last mile” bus Iseauto ( In Silberauto, Johannes is leading the company’s development department, which mainly concentrated on special vehicles like “last mile” bus, police cars, concept cars and other transport vehicles

Data Science and AI from Bench to Workbench

Jaak Vilo
Head of Institute of Computer Science at University of Tartu

  • The role of data science and AI in the 4th industrial revolution
  • Challenges of adopting AI to new business fields
  • The expertise of the Institute of Computer Science
  • Special programmes for university-industry collaboration

Prof. Jaak Vilo heads the Institute of Computer Science and the Chair of Data Science at University of Tartu, Estonia. He earned his PhD in Computer Science at University of Helsinki, Finland. In 1999-2002 he worked at the European Bioinformatics Institute, UK as one of the pioneers in early gene expression microarray data analytics. His group applies data analysis, machine learning and algorithmic techniques to a broad range of biological and health data and applications. The Institute of Computer Science is the leading IT research unit in Estonia, with two ERC grants and numerous joint research projects with industry. The Chair of Data Science is responsible more broadly for machine learning, big data and various applications.

Examples of Digitalisation in Estonian Manufacturing Companies

Jaanus Aal
Site Manager at Enics Elva

Jaanus Aal is Site Manager in Enics Estonia. Having power engineering degree from Tallinn Technical University he has worked in Europe and in Asia electronic design and manufacturing industry over 15 years. Past 6 years Jaanus have managed Enics Estonia – one of the leading industrial production companies in Estonia. Having over 800 people it is the largest factory in South-Estonia. With in past years Enics Estonia has successfully turned from being manufacturing site to be clean and lean full life cycle services factory, where thanks to automation and clear focus revenue and efficiency is constantly increasing.
Enics is one of the largest electronics manufacturing services (EMS) providers in the world in the field of energy, industrial automation, transportation, building automation and instrumentation. Enics has multiple factories in six different countries – China, Estonia, Finland, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland.

Peeter Põder
Mill Manager at Toftan 2

Peeter has been in the forest products industry almost 9 years, working 6 years as technical and maintenance manager in one of Estonian leading high-quality finger jointed and laminated redwood producing company Barrus AS and from 2016 Peeter is working in Estonian second and Balticum third biggest sawmill Toftan AS small log line Toftan 2 as Mill manager.

Expecting Your IoT Data to Arrive at the Doorstep - Fundamental Importance of Secure Connectivity in IoT

Risto Eerola
IoT Technical Solutions Architect at Cisco EMEAR North

  • In this session, we’ll go back to the “internet” in Internet of Things
  • In order to generate the business value from the IoT data, we need to make that data accessible
  • None of the great advantages of analytics, machine learning, AI and such will be possible without getting the basics right
  • Our experience in the evolving IoT cases is that building secure IoT-scale connectivity is not always a trivial task
  • Often, everyone expects the IoT data at their doorstep – let’s have a look at how to make that happen

Risto Eerola works as a Technical Solutions Architect in Cisco’s global IoT team, offering his humble contribution in making the Internet of Things era a reality. He helps clients adopt an architectural approach for developing ICT and OT infrastructure, enabling them to build an enterprise that is prepared for the next wave of connectivity – the Internet of Things. He holds a Master’s degree in control systems engineering from Tampere University of Technology, Finland. Prior to joining Cisco, Risto worked as a technical information security specialist at KPMG, securing customers’ critical manufacturing infrastructure across production sites in Finland, the Baltics, Russia, Middle-East and Europe.


Dmitry Teteruk
IoT Solution Architect at Microsoft

  • How Microsoft is simplifying IoT?
  • From simple scenario to complex solution
  • How Solution Accelerators can help?

Since 2017, Dmitry has been working as an IoT solutions architect and helping Microsoft partners in EMEA region, specializing in embedded solutions with Windows 10 IoT, Edge devices and IoT solutions using Azure IoT services. Dmitry began his career at Microsoft in 2011 as a category manager for the Windows devices, and prior to Microsoft he was a product manager at Sony responsible for VAIO computer business in Russia and the CIS. He got an engineering degree from Moscow State Academy of Instrument Engineering & Informatics in 2005, Marketing MBA from MIRBIS in 2013, and also a diploma in Astrophysics from Moscow State University in 2016.


Manuel Berglund Erp Manager at Koenigsegg Automotive AB

  • The start of our journey
  • Where we are today in a digital perspective
  • A live demonstration of one digital tools

Jonas Persson
Director of Business Development at Monitor Group

  • The start of our journey
  • Where we are today in a digital perspective
  • A live demonstration of one digital tools



  • What does Industry 4.0 mean for us in Ericsson Eesti?
  • Smart Manufacturing goals and use-cases

Lars Ottoson
Head of Supply Site Tallinn at Ericsson

Lars Ottoson is manager of the Ericsson Supply Site in Tallinn, Estonia and also part of the Ericsson Group Function Supply Leadership team. He has a long background in Supply and Production with over 20 years within Ericsson and 9 years for Electrolux.

Welix Klaas
IoT Program Manager at Ericsson

Welix is the IoT specialist and Program Manager at Ericsson Supply Tallinn. Mobile environmental monitoring sensors, indoor positioning, augmented reality and virtualization of production are only a few of the IoT and Smart Manufacturing projects Ericsson is engaged in at the Tallinn Site. Welix studied Economics at the University of Tartu, and Industrial Engineering and Management at TalTech. He has work experience in finance, as well as engineering.


Michael Ford
Sr. Director Emerging Industry Strategy at Aegis Software Corporation

  • The new IPC CFX standard is unique in that it defines precise data content, as well as the protocol, for all messages
  • With a highly detailed and consistent dataset, more Industry 4.0 related value can be derived from MES
  • Context of data is qualified from data of many processes, aiding live decision-making and process optimization.
  • Machines are treated as “plug and play”, with very flexible control and planning, enabling Industry 4.0

Working for Aegis Software, provides Michael the opportunity to apply his years of electronics assembly manufacturing experience, to drive both business process and technology solution innovation, that satisfies evolving needs in digital manufacturing, in a way that is value-driven and sustainable. Starting his career with Sony, including eight years working in Japan, Michael has been instrumental in creating and evolving leading software solutions for assembly manufacturing, that meet the most demanding expectations, leading industry forward. Today, Michael is an established thought leader for Industry 4.0 and digital Smart factories, an active contributor to IPC industry standards, including the Connected Factory Exchange (CFX) “plug and play” IIoT standard, and chairs the IPC-1782 manufacturing traceability standard, promoting the complete IPC standards-based digital factory platform. Michael also regularly contributes articles, columns and blogs in several leading industry publications.


  • The start of our journey
  • Where we are today in a digital perspective
  • A live demonstration of one digital tools

Manuel Berglund
Erp Manager at Koenigsegg Automotive AB

Manuel studied automation as a student and started working in manufacturing industries from a very young age. His interest in technology led him to Koenigsegg 11 years ago and he has learned continually as he has progressed through the ranks. He started out as a technician in production and soon after, he became a team leader. From there, he started to work with product quality and as a test driver, the goal being to ensure that their cars were of an appropriate standard before they deliver them to customers. Later, he received an opportunity to start working as Production Manager, which he did for 3 years. It was during this time that he pushed the company to take a better advantage of Monitor – the ERP system that they use. That mission continued when he moved to the Purchasing department, learning strategies for procurement and material flows within a manufacturing business. Koenigsegg has enjoyed steady growth over recent years and the organisation has changed a lot as a result of that growth. ERP is more important now than ever, and he has taken on the role as ERP Manager to educate staff and to further develop and integrate the ERP system within our business.

Jonas Persson
Director of Business Development at Monitor Group

Jonas has always had an interest in technology (a lot of racing in go-karts, boats and motor cycles), which made it natural during the years of education to graduate as an engineer. Through the years he has had a number of positions (Production, Research and Development Manager). When he started at Monitor 2004 it was as business consultant and during those years he was involved in a large number of implementations projects in different types of industries. Each project has always given him some new knowledge about how to run a company. Then he was involved in sales for a number of years, which meant that his contact the network increased tremendously, and he had many from that period. Today, as Director of Business Development Monitor Group he’s mainly involved in the development of our foreign subsidiaries and partners, but also works with international coverage of our competitors.

09:00 Expo & Networking
Ekspo ja virtuaalne võrgustumine
09:00 Expo & Networking
09:40 kalmet
Henrik Kalmet , digitaliseerimise asjatundja
09:40 kalmet
10.00 tervitus
Moderaatori tervitus
Mariana Hagström , õigusvaldkonna digitaliseerimise eestvedaja, Avokaado asutaja ja juht
10.00 tervitus
10.05 Sissejuhatused
Jaak Aaviksoo , TalTechi rektor
Raul Siem , Eesti Vabariigi väliskaubandus- ja infotehnoloogiaminister
10.05 Sissejuhatused
10.15 stuff
Kuidas on välismaised tööstused kriisiga kohanenud?
Dr. Lars Schwabe, Lufthansa Industry Solutions andmeanalüütika, tehisintellekti ja plokiahela tehnoloogia divisjoni direktor
Tomas Jaskelevičius, Leedu inseneritööstuste liidu LINPRA president, Arginta Engineering tegevjuht
10.15 stuff
11.00 slot
Kuidas on eestimaised tööstused kriisiga kohanenud?
Otto Richard Pukk, Incap Corporationi president, Eesti Elektroonikatööstuse Liidu volikogu esimees
Kristo Timberg, Chemi-Pharmi tegevjuht
Priit Haldma, Estanc tegevjuht
11.00 slot
11.45 break
Paus: ekspo ja virtuaalne võrgustumine
11.45 break
12.00 slot
Millised on tööstuse abimeetmed ja toetused sh innovatsiooni, digitaliseerimise ja automatiseerimise aga ka kriisist väljumise jaoks?
Viljar Lubi, Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi majandusarengu asekantsler
12.00 slot
12:20 slot
Kuidas saavad ülikoolid tööstusettevõtteid toetada?
Mika Salmi, Aalto Ülikooli digitaalse disaini labori uuringujuht
Johan Stahre, Chalmersi Tehnoloogiaülikooli tööstus- ja materjaliteaduse osakonna professor ja tootmissüsteemide osakonna juhataja / Euroopa Innovatsiooni- ja Tehnoloogiainstituudi tootmisinnovatsiooni valdkonna (EIT Manufacturing) innovatsioonidirektor
Renno Veinthal, TalTechi teadusprorektor
12:20 slot
13.05 slot
Millised on digitaliseerimise trendid muutunud maailmapildis?
Juhan-Madis Pukk, Flowit partner ja äriarendusjuht
13.05 slot
13.20 slot
Kuidas kriisist võita?
Indrek Saul , kasvustrateegia coach
13.20 slot
13.45 proto
Prototroni konkursi finalistide esitlused ja autasustamine
Veab: Jana Budkovskaja, Prototroni tegevjuht
13.45 proto
14.30 lopp
Kokkuvõtted ja konverentsi lõpp.
Ekspo ja virtuaalse võrgustumise võimalus jääb avatuks
14.30 lopp


Konverents toimub 28. mail 2020 virtuaalsündmuste platvormil Worksup. Päev algab võimalusega suhelda teiste osalejatega ja külastada virtuaalset ekspot.

Ootame osalema tööstus- ja IKT-sektori ning kõrgkoolide esindajaid ja tööstustemaatikat kureerivaid tippametnikke. Osalemine toimub eelneva registreerimise alusel ja on tasuta.

Registreerumine on selleks korraks lõppenud. Vahetult enne saate e-kirjana ligipääsuinfo - kui see teie postkasti ei jõua, palun kontrollige rämpsposti kausta või kontakteeruge meiega e-kirja teel.

Konverents toimub eesti ja inglise keeles sünkroontõlkega eesti ja inglise keelde.

Loe siit, kuidas me käitleme ja kaitseme teie isikuandmeid.

Küsimuste korral võtke palun ühendust


Tööstuse digitaliseerimise konverents Industry 4.0 Praktikas toimub TalTech Mektorys, Raja 15, Tallinn.

NB! Raja ja Mäepealse tänavat rekonstrueeritakse ning perioodil 9.03-30.06.2020 kehtib liikluskorralduse muudatus - Akadeemia teelt Raja tänavale ligipääsu ei ole ning Mektory juurde ja külastajate parklasse saab Ehitajate tee-Üliõpilaste tee-Raja tänava kaudu.

Parkimine. TalTech Mektory parklas on 90 kohta ja parkimine on Mektory külalistele tasuta - 28. mai hommikul on parklasse sissepääsu salasõnaks “Industry 4.0 konverents.” Teine lähim parkla on Tehnopoli Teaduspargi ümbruses Mäepealse tänaval.

Ühistransport. TalTech Mektory läheduses on kaks bussipeatust - Keemia (buss nr 11, troll nr 3) ning Raja (bussid nr 23, 24A). Tutvuge ka sõiduplaanide ja ühistranspordi kaardiga ning piletiinfoga.
